Charging in town
is a piece of cake!

Can’t do without your car? Then go electric! To make the switch easier, the Brussels-Capital Region is launching, a scheme to install electric vehicle charging points all over the city.

Decarbonising motorised transport in Brussels

We’re here to bring a breath of fresh air to Brussels and fight climate change at the same time! By switching to sustainable transport options, we can reduce emissions and halt the effects of climate change. is the Region’s plan to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, which are currently the least polluting technological alternative for motorists.

  • Brussels already has 17 public charging points
  • By 2035, that number will increase to 22,000
  • A network designed to have a charging point within 150m of every home in Brussels
Charging in the city has never been easier.
Text description

[Context] A map of Belgium appears, highlighting the borders of the Brussels-Capital Region in the center.
The camera zooms in on the Brussels-Capital Region.
Smiling characters on bicycles and scooters appear, as well as a train and a car, all covered by a sun, birds and clouds.
An ellipsis and a question mark in conversation boxes.
Charging stations appear.
A map of the Brussels-Capital Region shows the location of the electric charging points. These locatable points form circles around them.
[Keywords displayed on the video]
How much?
An ellipsis
A mouse cursor hovers over these 3 proposals as clickable buttons.
Logos of, Brussels Mobility, Brussels Environment, Sibelga

Hundreds of public charging points

10/02/2025 17 2018 0 2035 22.000