How to install a charging point

Are you able to install a charging point at home or at work? Then what are you waiting for? Having a private charger is the easiest, most practical and most affordable option. Read our guides on installing a charger:

Consult our guides

Guide for Single family home

Here is a guide to help individuals with a private parking space to get a charger installed. It walks you through the planning and installation process (getting started, technical options, installation) step by step, answer the most frequently asked questions and explain the most common problems.

Download the guide (PDF in french)

Guide for apartment building & condominium

This guide is designed to help residents and condominium of apartment buildings to have electric vehicle charging points installed. It walks you through the planning and installation process step by step (getting started, technical options, installation), answers the most frequently asked questions and explains the most common problems.

Download the guide (PDF in french)

See also the ‘Basic specifications’, which will help you draw up a list of requirements to send to the charging infrastructure installer.


Guide for Companies

Here is a guide to help companies to get charging points installed within their premises. It will walk you through the planning and installation process step by step (getting started, technical options, installation), answer the most frequently asked questions and explain the most common problems.

Download the guide (PDF in french)

Help & support

Federal grants

Tax breaks for businesses and organisations:
Non-public charging points and electric charging infrastructure for zero-carbon lorries From 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025 24% Investment allowance
From 1 January 2026 to 31 December 2026 18,5% Investment allowance
From 1 January 2027 to 31 December 2027 13,5% Investment allowance

(*) To receive this tax relief, the charging points that are installed must meet the following conditions:

  • The charger must be brand new;
  • The charger must be accessible to the public: the charger must be freely accessible to all third parties, either during normal opening hours or outside of these. The charger must also be registered and advertised with the Federal Public Service Finance so that users can check the location and availability of the charging point online;
  • The charger must be a smart charger: the charge time and power must be controlled by an energy management system, via a standardised digital protocol (e.g. Open Charge Point Protocol);
  • The charger must be depreciated on a straight-line basis over at least five taxable periods.

Do you want to find out more about grants for electric cars and charging points in Belgium? Visit the Ministry of Finance website to read about the tax breaks that have been introduced to decarbonise transport in our country.

Regional grants

Low Emission Mobility grant for professionals:

Is your van soon going to be banned from entering the Brussels-Capital Region’s LEZ (Low-Emissions Zone)? Then take advantage of the Low Emission Mobility grant from Brussels Economy and Employment to replace your vehicle and install a charging point.

Find out more about the Low Emission Mobility grant

Call for projects "": financial support to install charging station

With the help of Brussels Environment through the "" project call, companies can invest in electric equipment for semi-public charging stations in the Brussels Region or for their own fleet of taxis and vehicles for logistics or collective passenger transport.

In 2023 en in 2023, 11 Brussels companies received support from Brussels Environment to install a recharging infrastructure within their organisation. 

More information on the Brussels Environment website


Our experts are here to help – just get in touch:

Charging infrastructure facilitator

Our charging infrastructure experts can advise individuals and organisations about all aspects of installing a charger, from safety issues to which regulations to follow and what costs to expect. They’re there to answer all of your questions and provide free, tailored support.

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Mobility and fleet facilitator

Our mobility and fleet experts are there to advise businesses and public authorities on everything to do with managing their mobility, from budgeting to developing and using their fleet sustainably.

Read more

CoBrACE facilitator

Our Cobrace experts can provide businesses with free support when applying for an environmental permit or COBRACE (Brussels code for air, climate and energy management) for their car park.

Read more

Energy-sharing and communities facilitator

Our energy-sharing and communities experts are there to support individuals, businesses and public bodies that want to set up an energy-sharing operation or energy community with third parties. Such projects might include installing EV charging points.

Read more

Request a charging point

How to proceed to request a charging point?

Don’t have access to any private parking? No problem! There are more and more public charging points becoming available in Brussels. By the end of 2024, is planning to have installed at least one charging points within 150 metres of every household in Brussels.

The locations of the charging points will be decided by the Region (Brussels Mobility and Brussels Environment) and Sibelga based on a pre-defined set of criteria that aim to make the charging network accessible to as many people as possible. It won’t be possible to request a public charger in a particular place, but local residents can still let us know where charging points are most needed via the “Tell us where a charger is needed” form.

To find out more:


Contact the charging infrastructure facilitator

Our charging infrastructure experts will point you in the right direction for everything which has to do with safety, regulations, costs and more. They can answer all of your questions, whether you’re a private citizen or a business.