A region-wide vision
Here in Brussels, we want to accelerate the transition to low-emissions transport. This is why we’re launching electrify.brussels, our plan to roll out a network of publicly accessible EV charging points.
The aim for the Brussels Capital Region is to reduce CO2 emissions by 47% by 2030 and to reach net zero emissions by 2050. With road traffic alone being responsible for 27% of the city’s CO2 emissions, the government is actively supporting the transition to less polluting forms of transport.
We’ve already taken several major steps, including introducing the region’s Good Move mobility plan and the LEZ (low-emissions zone), to help us getting rid of off fossil fuels (petrol and diesel). The next stages of the LEZ are:
- Banning diesel-powered light vehicles from 2030
- Banning petrol, CNG- and LPG-powered light vehicles from 2035
Electric vehicles are currently the least polluting and most credible technological alternative to classic internal combustion engine vehicles. We’re supporting their use in our region by introducing a network of charging points that everyone can use to charge their vehicle.
Rethinking travel in Brussels
Our current motorised transport system – dominated by internal combustion vehicles (petrol or diesel engines) – is causing two major environmental problems: greenhouse gas emissions (globally) and air pollution (locally). There are three ways to counter these issues:
- Restraint: reducing the number of journeys
- Modal shift: prioritising less energy-intensive modes of transport (walking, cycling, public transport)
- Motor shift: reducing the energy consumption of motorized transport by electrifying it
With electrify.brussels, the Region plans to make motor shift a reality.
Something for everyone
In a city like Brussels, it’s vital that our charging solutions are available to all users. With electrify.brussels, we’re packing the local area with even more charging points.
Here are our aims in figures:
- At least 1 public charging point within 150 m of every home in Brussels in 2024
- 9,500 public charging points active from 2025
- 22,000 public charging points in 2035
Mission: 22,000!
The experts have spoken: we need to have 22,000 public charging points available by 2035 if we’re going to lead the transition to a reliable, publicly accessible transport network with no direct emissions.

A global, inclusive strategy
To supercharge this transition, electrify.brussels plans to ensure that everyone has access to charging points by:
- Installing a network of public charging points across the entire region
- Making all charging points safe and accessible
- Ensuring sufficient availability
- Reserving certain charging points for taxis and shared cars
- Providing a team of experts to help with installing charging points